Painting exterior plaster and specialist membrane application
The paint coating system is an integral part of an exterior plaster cladding system and is critical to the weathertightness of your property. Metro Coat works with all highly reputable paint companies, such as Resene, Dulux and Wattle.
Application of a flexible membrane paint coating and correct substrate preparation will ensure the longevity of your plaster cladding.
Defects with the plaster system – such as fracturing, poor detailing, lack of control joints, missing flashings and poor terminations – must be rectified to provide a sound substrate for the paint system.
At Metro Coat, we also offer a specialist plaster repair team who have the experience and expertise to recognise issues and complete repairs or maintenance to your plaster system prior to painting.
Paint colour selection is also critical, as each type of plaster has a different ability to disperse heat from the plaster system.
Excessive heat generation in a plaster system leads to thermal fracturing and will compromise the long-term performance of the plaster and paint coating system.
We have the experience and technical expertise to ensure the correct paint coating system is selected for your job and applied to specification.
Metro Coat provides a 5-year workmanship warranty, as well as applicable product warranties.
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